The Insurance Litigation section

The intervention of the engineering group is focused here only on issues related to damage resulting from traffic accidents or any other harmful event. (assembly of compensation files, insurance transaction).

Advice and Litigation section on emigration and immigration

The Land Engineering group offers its customers a multitude of solutions related to legal issues that may arise in the context of an emigration and immigration procedure. It takes charge of the criminal proceedings that may arise in these operations where there is an abundance of scammers.

The Mining and Petroleum Advice and Litigation section

The exploitation of African extractive resources is a major development challenge for African countries, which for several decades have been aiming to reverse the theory of the paradox of abundance by taking better advantage of the rent. The rush for African land for the control of land rights can generate a need for support in terms of specialized advice for the management of the exploration, research and exploitation phases, but also the litigation phases. born of a badly put together contractual operation. The Land Engineering group is staffed with international experts certified in mining and petroleum issues, will be your key to securing your steps in the sensitive field of extractives in Africa.

The section Labor law and social security

Relations between employers and employees are not always peaceful, and can give rise to extensive litigation with an uncertain outcome. The Land Engineering group provides these clients with assistance in the pre-litigation and litigation phase in connection with labor and social security disputes.

The section training, legal secretariat, bilingual legal translation

The land engineering group intends to make available to the general public the necessary prerequisites in land and real estate matters capable of enabling them to avoid the pitfalls that plunder the sector and best avoid legal land insecurity.

The training will be in both face-to-face and online form.

The legal secretarial aspect will make it possible to provide our clients with a service adapted to legal and administrative drafting.

The field of law being universal, the land engineering group intends to offer clients around the world a high added value legal translation service capable of giving them full and complete satisfaction with the difficulties linked to linguistic integration.